Sunday, April 29, 2012

Draft Action Ressearch Plan

Draft Action Research Plan
Goal: Can the use of Smartboards and Interactive Response Systems improve fourth grade student performance on local and state standardized tests?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with classroom teachers to explain plan
D. Miller
April 2012
Log of meeting
Search for literature on research topic

D. Miller
April 2012-May 2013
Internet Access
Log of literature and notes
Collect & Evaluate Benchmark Assessment results from 2011-2012 school year
D. Miller
May 2012
Benchmark Assessment Scores
Collect & Evaluate LEAP Test results from 2011-2012 school year
D. Miller
May 2012
Test Scores
LEAP Test Scores
Search for lessons/activities to incorporate smartboard/responders into 4th grade math curriculum
D. Miller
A. Trahan
N. Parr
May 2012 – May 2013
Internet Access
Common Core Standards for 4th Grade
Log of activities / lessons found
Incorporate smartboard/responders activities into 4th grade classrooms

D. Miller
A. Trahan
N. Parr
August 2012 – May 2013
Interactive Response Systems
Any other materials needed to introduce/teach activity
Log of Activities and Lessons
Benchmark Assessment of Math Skills Given
D. Miller
End of Each Nine Week Period during the 2012-2013 school year
Benchmark Assessment Scores
LEAP Test Given
Testing Teacher
April 2013
LEAP Test Scores
Collect & Evaluate Benchmark Assessment results from 2012-2013 school year
D. Miller
End of Each Nine Week Period during the 2012-2013 school year
Benchmark Assessment Scores
Collect & Evaluate LEAP Test results from 2012-2013 school year
D. Miller
May 2013
Test Scores
LEAP Test Scores


  1. Dawn,
    Your timeline seems feasible to examine test scores. I do suggest that also document minutes with ideas indicating success/recommendations for change as you implement the lessons so that you will have some idea of how the lessons may align with the benchmarks/LEAP results.
    Just something to consider.
    Dr. Mason

  2. Thanks, Dr. Mason. I will add that to my plan also. It will help us know what works and doesn't work, so that we can continue to implement this with our students year after year.

  3. Where do your common core standards for 4th grade come from?

  4. Sorry for not answering sooner Julie. Our parish is switching to common core standards for next year. They were handed out to us at a faculty meeting earlier this month and I am going to another meeting about them next week to learn more.
